DNA Genealogy is not my thing.  I love dusty old documents in library basements. We visited two county library genealogical collections in Illinois a couple of weeks ago and it was wonderful.  I love big binders in courthouses and old pictures that may never be identified, and cemeteries in the middle of cornfields.  From 1975 when I wrote for my dad's birth certificate to today when I found a copy of a bible page while sorting through my collection, I continue to enjoy the research and the information that can be gleaned from the most unlikely and most likely of sources.  Of course I use the internet - familysearch.org remains my favorite although I continue to pay for and use Ancestry.  In the past 20 years the explosion of information available all along the information highway is invaluable to researchers.  Local counties posting records, the Library of Congress digitizing their collection, etc., etc., etc.  I appreciate everything available sitting here in my office working a keyboard, but I still want to go to that cemetery in the cornfield!